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1:31 p.m. - 2005-07-23
Commonwealth of the Bahamas
The customers have been coming up to me, putting a hand on my shoulder, and sympathetically asking how I'm holding up.

Now, you know there's gotta be something wrong with your job when the customers start asking that question.

I got talked into working an extra half hour tomorrow. It used to be 9-1, now its 9-2, because of the sale its 8:30-2:30, and because my bosses boss is freaked that we will get slammed and magically have every item in the store be out of stock, it is now 8-2:30.

We are going to the lake afterwards, thats what I have to remember. Everytime I get sweaty and overheated at work I close my eyes, picture a beach on Florida's ocean, and start living the dream.

February 10th, thats my last day.

6 months left.

I can do this.


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