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12:17 a.m. - 2005-05-19
Picture of Joe

This is my wallpaper for my PC. I could die, he's so hot.

My favorite movie is an old black and white, little known chick flick called, "shop around the corner." My sis shelly made it for me on DVD but since my dvd player kicked the bucket, i have to watch it on my PC. For some unknown reason I can't change the brightness or contrast on my PC DVD player, so its VERY dark. I can't watch Harry potter, but 99% of pride and prejudice comes out crystal clear. I never realized how much of that movie happens outside.

I realized today my 21st birthday is in 4 months. This year flew by so fast I didnt have time to watch. I realized this because two years ago shannon wanted to try out a new online personals site, so i joined with her. it was on, so you get to take quizzes and stuff. Hey if your bored, can't sleep, and both shockwave AND partypoker are getting old, its somewhere to go. I had forgotten all about it, until today a 35 year old guy sent me an icebreaker.

35!!!! Shouldn't the fact that he is 15 years older than me bother him? Sure as heck bothers me!!! I almost signed up as a paying customer just so i could email this guy and tell him off. Ok, i'm all for age differences in happy couples, but, a total stranger seeking out someone he could have fathered, thats just wrong.....

I'm in the back at work this week, so my day is very planned out and routine. Plus I can see virtually zero customers, and thats great. I love being on register, but sometimes you just need a break from retired older ladies fussing about discounted paper plates.


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