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9:18 p.m. - 2005-03-30
Funny thing happened on the way to the office
Ive started taking a glucosamine-chondroitin vitamin. Also known as osteo bi flex. Yup, thats right, im on joint therepy. i never thought this would happen to me this soon, i feel like the guy on logans run who got his death sentance drastically moved up.

I just found out they r opening a Beaners coffee house across the street from me, my mouth is already watering. no longer will i trek down to the mall for the frosty delight of a cookies and cream chiller.

Is it tacky to go into a doctors office complaining about two totally different hings? Ive always thought of an appointment for ONE thing. Can you make an appointment to get allergy meds, AND to ask about arthritis testing? I dont know why but i never thought about going in for two sepearate things.....Its like going through the supermarket and having two separate orders.... is it rude? is it improper? I just feel sneaky doing it......

Im working this satersay. Im happy about it cause im working with heather, and she wont make me work. We have it figured out, she sits in the office and does paperwork, keeping an eye on me in case i need something, and i get to bring a cup of joe and a book to the register and make camp. So saterday is the best time for my friends to come in since i can actually talk to them. Im bummed because we are open until 2 now on saterdays, instead of 1. Its only an hour but it makes the day feel a lot longer.

One of our asociates is on vacation this week. This left two people and a manager for the store today. Then, half an hour after we opened one of our biggest buyers came in and took over two people. They even had to get the account manager and the guy from the mailroom to help. This went on until about an hour before we closed, so it was just me, dealing with every single problem for almost 5 hours. And it was senior day.... >:(


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