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10:20 a.m. - 2005-08-19
\"We are grateful for the time we have been given.\" -The Village
I had the presance of mind this morning to find the outlet my alarm is plugged into, rip out every single cord that came close to it, and make my alarm stop ringing.

I wasn't awake enough to realize I had to hit the snooze button, but I guess I was awake enough to unplug everything in my room. I had 10 minutes to get ready for work.

My neice is having her 2nd birthday party on saterday at the lake by our house. I got all of her My Little Pony tableware, decorations, and favors really cheap because I had enough time to get everything from work. I bought enough for about 50 people, and a very heavy pinata. I even bought invitations. This is Becca's last party here in michigan, I know she wont remember it, Megan might not either, but I wanted her to have a really fun day. Theres a lot of little cousins they have only seen once or twice that I wanted to invite. Being that they dont go to school yet, they really don't have any kids to play with. So this weekend was gonna be packed with kids. Then, in the mad adreniline rush to get out of Michigan as quickly as possible (cant blame her there, lol)Shelly accedentally packed all the invitations.

My Great Grandma died on Friday. She hasn't been coherent in years, I dont remember the last time she knew me. We had all been prepared for the loss for a long time....

Shannon had made an appointment for the dog to be groomed on the day of the funeral. I don't know why she didn't reschedual, but I figured that wasn't something I wanted to get into with the poster child for blonde jokes.

So, 15 minutes after we had gone to the wake, shannon got a phone call from the groomers announcing they where about to close. So she makes me go with her, we fly to the other side of town, pick him up, drop him at home, and fly back to my aunts house. By this time everyone who hadn't already left was saying there goodbyes. I felt really stupid explaining to my great aunt that the reason we left was to pick up a dog from the groomers. Thanks Shannon, love ya too.

That was my chance for a last minute invitation to the family to celebrate with us, and I had barely spoken to any of them. Two things happened on the way home as I was reflecting.

My mom told me that she, and Shelly (who really, really feels uncomfortable asking people she doesnt know to come to her daughters party)had asked, every single person there, if they would do us the honor. 90% of them said yes. Arrangements where made, agreements declared. Becca, is going to have one heck of a going away, birthday party. I almost cried. I know it was just a little girls birthday party, but a party was the one thing
I could give her, working in a party store, and I would never have that chance again after we moved. I just wanted to make her day special, and thanks to my mom and Shelly, we made it happen.

The second thing that happened on the way home, was Shannons breaks going out. We ended up walking, three women, dressed in black, heals on, in 89 degree hot summer heat, back to the house.

I may have taken the day off, but I was glad to go back to work today...


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