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12:05 p.m. - 2005-04-18
Feels like summer :)
da dum....da dum...da dum...AAHHHH!!!!!

Sick. Again. Sleeping almost the whole time i'm home. Ive gone through stages of either freezing or sweating. Last night i had the blanket on high for three hours, plus a quilt, and i was shaking cause i was so cold. an hour after i finally fell asleep i woke up drenched in sweat and have been sweating the entire day. FUN.......

So, needless to say after being sick for two weeks im in the twilight zone....

*cough* *cough* *sigh* *try to hold back* *fail miserably and cough louder*

Stayed home most of the week. I found out that my insurace covers perscriptions funny. Because aleergy meds are 'lifestyle' meds, i have to pay full price for a prescription of 12 hour allegra (30 pills total.)Meijer just came out with off brand claritin. Non-drowsy, 24 hour relief, 60 pills, 8 bucks. Im pretty happy with the 8 bucks, i dont even want to know what allegra would cost me.

I think Buster is twice his size. He can put his whole upper body on top of the couch, when we first got him he couldnt even put his chin up there. The cat thinks he's an overgrown rat she gets to kill. Still working on those issues.

Its a lot harder to get through a weeks work when you know your whole paycheck is already gone. The salons not bringing in much business, shannons got enough for gas and food, thats pretty much it. so ive taken her under my wing. Im so thankful that im able to help her out with this, but still, its hard going up to the ATM, drawing out the entire paycheck, keeping 40 bucks for lunches and soda for work, and handing the rest off.

If i had children, it would be different, i would be working solely to support my family, and would be most likely used to seeing the whole paycheck fly away on endless bills and family outings. And it would make me happy to know thats what my work was going towards. But, forcing your older sister to take it to pay her bills, watching her struggle through trying with her whole heart to make this busness work, thats pain.

Times like these the Lord always reminds me: "this too shall pass." And it will, our faith in Him will pull us through even stronger than we where yesterday.


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