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6:21 p.m. - 2005-03-02
Learn to take the bitter with the sweet.
I had the flu! never had it before, it was aweful. I took several days off work, finally went back today.

Im gonna take a lesson from work and go out and get some storage totes. Every time i get sick i go into this super organization mode and become OCD Chick. Last time, i have broncitis, and rearranged my room. i collapsed on the floor and couldnt catch my breath, but i made it, calmed down and got right back up and moved my tv. I cant help it. I hate not being able to do stuff when im sick, i hate not being strong, so i guess its my way of making up for those days on the couch when im not feeling 100%.

Someone came into the store today who ive never met and instantly knew i was my dads daughter. It sounds weird but i feel immensly proud when someone says, you look just like your dad. My dad and i think alike, we like the same things, and im the spitting image of him. I love him and i look up to him, and i know the things he has done to touch so many lives, and that makes me proud when people know me immediatly as soon as they see me if they know my dad. I love bieng reffered to as "Ed's daughter" i love it even more when they say, "You're just like your dad."I hope one day I can do even half the things he has done to help people.


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