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9:05 a.m. - 2005-02-27
Livin la vida loca!
Well, got my tax return, went out and bought the wireless router and adapter i needed in order to get the internet in my room. Took 10 minutes to install the router, took an hour and a half to install the adapter.

First i didnt have a clue what to do, all i had was one little picture showing where it went in the tower, so i brought it over to my brothers house and he explained to me how to do it. It sounded simple, but then i got down on the floor with the tower in my lap and 3 sized screwdrivers. I took both sides and the back off, then the fan and this big thing came off, so i freaked out thinging i had broken the PC

so, i screwed it all back together. But i was determined. So i took a flashlight and took everything apart again. I FINALLY figured out where everything went, but, omg! you would think they would include better instructions!

Going out with my sis today, dinner and a movie, maybe shopping. thing is, we both have horrible colds, i dont even want to leave my room, but hopefully we will feel ok tonight.


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